Weight Loss Experts Rip Tracy Anderson For Saying Spinning Makes Your Thighs Fat

Dr. Oz reveals anti-inflammation foods and details alkaline diet for weight loss

Walker/Getty Images Tracy Anderson’s workouts combine cardio dance exercise with light weight-training.Andrew H. 14. “Unless that person has significant predisposition for laying down muscle mass, it’s very unlikely spinning will result in massive quads or change in scale weight,” said Cedric Bryant, the chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise. “The average person doesn’t have the genetic capability of developing that kind of mass even if they work out really hard.” garcinia cambogia The backlash started after Tracy told Redbook that spinning isn’t ideal for weight loss because the rigorous cardio exercise bulks up your thighs something no woman wants. “Spin may http://finance.yahoo.com/news/garcinia-cambogia-extract-investigation-now-190000760.html burn calories in the short term, but if that’s all you’re doing, it’ll bulk up your thighs,” said Anderson.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/tracy-anderson-slammed-for-saying-spinning-workouts-make-your-thighs-thick

Sherri Shepherd’s ‘Plan D’ Weight Loss Tips

On Sunday afternoons, I like to cook a few basic dishes that I know will get eaten during the week. Weekday Tip for Tuesday: Veggies for Breakfast When youre planning your meals, think about ways you can include some vegetables in breakfast once or twice a week. Having vegetables in the morning is one way to ensure your breakfast is a healthy one, and it also gives you a head start on meeting your veggie servings for the day. Weekday Tip for Wednesday: Take Your Weights Home You dont have to belong to a gym to get all the benefits of strength training.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2014/01/13/sherri-shepherds-plan-d-weight-loss-tips/